LEGACY... Is Not About Money, It's About Change.

We help entrepreneurs and professionals design a legacy that leverages generational wealth and impacts future generations in accordance with their legacy vision and values. 

What is life after graduation

The notion of legacy transcends material wealth. While assets and financial matters are important, the true essence of a legacy lies in values, wisdom, and love.

Can You Imagine...

a future where your hard-earned success becomes the cornerstone of generational wealth for your family. By taking decisive action now, you can transform your legacy vision into reality. 

Here are just a few possibilities:

  • Foundation of Wealth: Your business can serve as a powerful foundation for building generational wealth, providing financial security and opportunities for many generations to come
  • Providing for Your Spouse: Ensure that your spouse is well taken care of, maintaining the lifestyle you've built together and offering peace of mind.
  • Educational Opportunities: Guarantee finances for multiple generations to attend college, opening doors to brighter futures.
  • Entrepreneurial Seed Money: Provide seed money for your children or grandchildren to start their own businesses, fostering innovation and independence.
  • Community Impact: Fund scholarships for kids in your community or alma mater, leaving a lasting legacy of education and opportunity. 

The sky is the limit! All of this is possible by designing a legacy plan that brings your vision to life. Whatever your legacy vision may be, we can help you make it a reality. With ease and certainty.

Don’t leave your legacy to chance. Start building it today and ensure that your hard work benefits those you love and the causes you care about for generations to come.

There's just one problem...

It can seem daunting..


  • Emotional Difficulties: Contemplating mortality and potential incapacitation can be emotionally challenging, leading to procrastination.
  • Time Constraints: We often focus on day-to-day business operations, leaving little time for long-term planning.
  • Overconfidence: We believe we have ample time to address legacy planning later or assume it’s unnecessary due to our current health and age. But tomorrow is promised to no one.
  • Intimidation: Legacy planning involves complex legal and tax regulations, which can be daunting if you don't have someone who you know and trust to help you navigate these concepts.
  • Cost Concerns: Perceived high costs of professional services can act as a deterrent from initiating the process. But consider the higher cost of not having a plan in place and allowing the courts to decide what your legacy will be.
Legacy planning stress

Here's the truth:

It can be simple..

At Legacy Legal Studio, we make Legacy simple by designing bespoke legacy plans through a streamlined, easy-to-understand process that simplifies the complexities of this traditionally intimidating, stressful, and  overwhelming legal process. 

Ready to create the Legacy you deserve

Will Based Legacy Plan


  • Last Will & Testament 
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Power of Attorney Over Property 
  • Living Will 
  • HIPAA Authorization
  • Final Instructions
  • Legacy Vision Call
  • Legacy Planning Meeting
  • Document Execution Ceremony

Trust Based Legacy Plan


  • Living Will
  • Last Will & Testament 
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Power of Attorney Over Property 
  • Living Will & HIPAA Authorization
  • Final Instructions
  • Legacy Vision Call
  • Legacy Planning Meeting
  • Document Execution Ceremony 

The basic components of your legacy plan

Bring your Legacy vision to life:

last Will and testament

Core Document

Last Will & Testament


Your will can designate guardians for minor children, how assets are to be distributed, and can help keep families out of conflict. This should be a dynamic document updated regularly as your family changes and evolves. A last will and testament does not avoid probate and is limited in that it plans for death only. This is a must-have. 


Health Care Power of Attorney


Allows your designated representative to make health care choices on your behalf. You should discuss your desires with this person so that they feel less stress knowing they are doing what you want them to do and not making decisions on their own. 

health care power of attorney


Durable Power of Attorney over Property

Allows a designated person to take control of your property. They will have the power to do things like file your income tax return, get your mail, speak to your human resources department, deposit and withdraw funds to and from your bank account. 


Living Will

Memorializes your end-of-life choices. You will decide and document what you want to happen if you are in a consistent vegetative state or if you have a terminal condition with no real chance of recovery.

Living will
Hipaa Authorization


HIPAA Authorization

Grants authorization for hospitals and physicians to share your medical information with designated individuals. It is important to authorize anyone with whom you want to have your information shared. 

Core Document

Living Trust

A legal document that allows an individual (the grantor) to place assets into a trust during their lifetime, which are then managed by a trustee for the benefit of designated beneficiaries. Trusts offer numerous benefits such as probate avoidance, privacy, and flexibility. It provides a means to manage and protect your assets during your lifetime and ensures a seamless transfer to your beneficiaries.

Living trust
Wealth Building strategies

Wealth Building

Wealth Building Strategies

We offer several wealth building strategies to enhance your legacy plan. Building and sustaining generational wealth is not just about accumulating money but also about smart management, planning, and understanding the tools at your disposal. It is an iterative process that requires vision, foresight, and a commitment to future generations


Final Instructions

A document that tells your family how to proceed once you are no longer living.  You can give instructions on anything and everything that matters. These details may or may not really be important to you now, but the point is to leave less room for family disagreement and divisiveness during an emotional time.

Wealth Building

Building Brilliant Beneficiaries

As stewards, the goal is to enrich our assets for the next generation.But stewardship has to be taught. We have to be intentional about what we teach our children from core financial concepts to how we show kindness to others with our words and actions. We have to model the values and behaviors we want our children to adopt and exhibit. Values as simple as respect and commitment, have to be taught and demonstrated.

How does this sound?

Your life with a legacy plan...

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your affairs are in order and your loved ones are protected provides significant peace of mind.
  • Family Harmony: Open discussions about your legacy plan can improve communication and transparency within the family, minimizing potential disputes among beneficiaries and promoting family harmony.
  • More Wealth: Effective estate planning can reduce tax liabilities. Avoiding probate and other legal costs can save money maximizing the wealth passed on to your beneficiaries.  
  • Clarity and Control: All financial and legal documents now organized, its easier to quantify and manage assets.
  • Empowerment: You will feel a strong sense of achievement and empowerment in fulfilling your duty to protect your loved ones and secure their future. 
  • Confidence:  grows from having a well-thought-out plan that addresses all aspects of your legacy vision.

Meet your Legacy Attorney

Hi, I'm Gena

I understand firsthand the complexities of raising a family, advancing your professional goals, nurturing relationships, trying to prioritize yourself, and wanting to live your best life and create your best legacy, all while building your empire. 

I'm a Tax Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, Wife, Mother of 6 and Epic Foodie. I am licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois, State of Arizona, the US Tax Court and the US Supreme Court. 

I believe that I have a professional obligation and social responsibility to ensure that legacy planning is accessible, understood, and executed by entrepreneurs in all communities. 

Most importantly, I am passionate about helping women and entrepreneurs create generational wealth and I absolutely love designing Legacy plans that impact future generations. 

The truth is, it doesn't matter what generations before you did or did not do. You are now positioned to change the wealth and legacy trajectory of your family to a level that you have only dreamed about.

Make a move!

Gena Jones
Legacy Made Simple for me

I even wrote a book about it...


Legacy Made Simple™️ is a book written by Dr. Gena Jones, Esq., LLM, CPA to make the legacy planning process more approachable. The goal is to bring the importance of legacy planning into focus and to break down the components in a way that makes it simple to think about, simple to execute, and empowers people to clarify their generational impact which will be manifested by their legacy plan.


This is possible for you too.

The path to your best Legacy:

1. Legacy Vision Call

Click the "Let's Do This" button and schedule our call. In minutes, you'll get an email confirmation.

2. Commit and take action

Allow us to guide you through, clarify and document your legacy vision simply and easily with no stress.

3. Execute your documents

It's time for your document execution ceremony. See your vision come to life with a bespoke Legacy design.


This is for you if:

  • You are committed to creating a legacy that benefits future generations. 
  • Understand the importance of planning ahead to secure your and your family’s future.
  • You want to position your business to benefit your family for many generations. 
  • Are willing to work with, trust, and value professional advice in legacy plan creation. 

This isn't for you if:

  • You still believe you have plenty of time to plan or that legacy planning is unnecessary.
  •  It is emotionally challenging to contemplate mortality or potential incapacitation.
  • You are not ready to set clear life and/or Legacy goals for yourself and your family. 
  • You believe that you can create a comprehensive Legacy plan online without the engagement of a professional.

Are you ready to create the Legacy you deserve?


A legacy plan is about more than the transfer of material wealth. While financial assets play a huge role, there's a deeper emotional and futuristic dimension to consider. You are living your best life. Now let's create your best Legacy. Are you ready?


Ready to create the Legacy you deserve

Will Based Legacy Plan


  • Last Will & Testament 
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Power of Attorney Over Property 
  • Living Will 
  • HIPAA Authorization
  • Final Instructions
  • Legacy Vision Call
  • Legacy Planning Meeting
  • Document Execution Ceremony

Trust Based Legacy Plan


  • Living Will
  • Last Will & Testament 
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Power of Attorney Over Property 
  • Living Will & HIPAA Authorization
  • Final Instructions
  • Legacy Vision Call
  • Legacy Planning Meeting
  • Document Execution Ceremony